
Meet Tim & Brenda

We are part of a church-planting team. We desire to see a mature church established among the "M" people, who currently have no access to the gospel in their language. Our focus during our current stage of ministry is on becoming effective communicators and teachers - learning the language and culture to the point of adult-level fluency so that we can share the truth clearly and powerfully!

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Prayer Requests

-Pray for clear results about Jimmy's health and wisdom as we figure out what treatment he needs.
-This week we started back up with having a scheduled routine of "office" work, particularly so that Tim can work on his seminary studies and Brenda can work on some research she's doing for our team. Pray for us as we seek to do these things well!
-Pray for the people of Sudan, and for those who are stuck in refugee camps indefinitely. When we first moved to Chad and started interacting with Sudanese refugees, they all talked about "someday when we get to go home." But in light of all that has happened this year, most no longer believe they will get to go back home. Some of them will be accepted as refugees in Western countries someday, but not all of them. And we know that for all of them, whether they remain stuck in refugee camps or whether they are given a ticket out, unless they come to find hope in the promise of an eternal home, they will always feel lost and displaced.


Tim  8/27
Brenda 5/18



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