Our mission is our purpose, our primary driver. It is why we exist as a church.

We pursue God, pursue others, and practice His ways.

Jesus // We seek, in everything we do, to bring glory and honor to Him 

We do this because God pursued us and saved us. God so loved the world that He gave His Son to rescue and save the world. Yet God’s love didn’t stop there. God continued to demonstrate His love toward us in that He gave His Spirit to comfort, lead and secure us to Himself.

The Church doesn’t save people – God alone saves people – but the Church (His body, His people) is the predominant means of how God directs hearts to Himself. For this reason, we believe the Church is the hope of the world. Let’s be about what He’s about – Let’s pursue others for His glory.

Pursue God
God has demonstrated His love toward us by His relentless pursuit through His Son. We desire to pursue Him in order to learn more about who He is and what He is doing among His people. We primarily pursue God through His Word, prayer and community. (John 3:16; Romans 5:8)

Pursue Others
God has enlisted His people to love, serve and reach those who have not yet submitted their lives to Him. (Acts 1:8)

Practice His Ways
As followers of Jesus, we desire to live and look like Jesus. We practice the way of Jesus by living out the “one another’s” of Scripture. (John 13:34; Galatians 6:2; Romans 12:10)