Funerals are an opportunity to glorify God, honor the person who has passed away, and offer hope to all, regardless of their circumstances. Our pastors, musicians, and staff come alongside family and friends who have lost loved ones and show them compassion, comfort, and encouragement.

Our pastors and musicians are available to help lead the service. We do not charge any fees for the facility or reception.

Scheduling a Funeral

Call our church office at 319-395-0021 to begin the process of scheduling a funeral. Our offices are open Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. If you call at a time when the office is closed, listen to the recorded message, and follow the directions for contacting the equipping staff member on call. That staff member will get the process started even though the church offices are closed.

Have Questions?

If you have more questions about funerals, call our office at 319-395-0021, or contact us online.