
Meet Talant & Nina

Evangelizing the unreached people in Central Asia. Pastoral training, theological education, and literature.

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Prayer Requests

*Pray for the pastors and churches in Central Asia as they shine the light of the Gospel in their communities.
*Pray for Talant as he serves and supports leaders in his region.
*Praise that Talant had the opportunity to equip and encourage pastors how to defend the Christian faith in a predominantly Muslim culture. We discussed theological arguments, biblical teachings, and historical and archaeological evidence. We explored how to respond effectively to common objections and criticisms of Christianity raised by Muslims.
*Special Prayer Request: Your prayers are especially for our pressing need for a reliable vehicle, which would significantly enhance our ability to reach remote communities, support pastors in need, and steward the ministry that God has entrusted to us. Please consider a year end gift to - and notify Talant of your gift.


  • Talant 3/31
  • Nina 11/8
  • Saya 
  • Daryn 
  • Alua 


  • 5/28/2011

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