
Meet Spencer & Tereza Steel

Student Life Coordinators at a local High School.  Spencer coordinates a Student Life initiative at a local High School. He is developing a structure that allows for every student to be as involved as they desire, all for the purpose of life on life discipleship. He also teaches which gives him an opportunity to develop relationships with the local teenagers. He started a new ministry to their town’s teenagers by providing basketball practices. Tereza invests the bulk of her time to their kids and a youth ministry research project.

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Prayer Requests

*Pray for Spencer is taking a group of--------- students to an international student leadership conference. It's a unique opportunity for students to be inspired as they see how other schools may deal with similar ministry challenges. It's also an opportunity for their hearts to be stirred for their classmates and a fire would be lit underneath them in wanting to share the Good News of the Gospel with them. 
*Pray for Tereza decided to join the youth group leadership team in our local church. Pray with us that she would be able to shepherd the students, as well as that she would find the best way to mentor other team members in discipleship and care for others.


Spencer 12/16
Tereza  4/15
Caden  3/22/2021
Mia  11/11/2023



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