
Meet Rick & Susan Griffith

Rick teaches at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary in Amman to train leaders in the Middle East and North African regions. Susan mentors and teaches expat women through the international church.

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Prayer Requests

Thank God...
*God's language isn't only one of the languages above. His is the universal language of love, shown in humbling himself as a Baby in a manger.
*I finish my JETS course on Genesis to Ruth online at 2 AM tonight. The students have done great, especially since more than half of them have had wars in their nations of Sudan, Lebanon, and Syria this semester.

Please Pray...
*Pray that God would protect Syrian believers north of Jordan, opening further doors for the gospel.
*Pray for potential faculty for JETS to discern God's will. We met them at the Evangelical Theological Society meetings in San Diego last month.


  • Rick 1/3
  • Susan 10/11


  • 12/30/83

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