
Meet Rick & Susan Griffith

Rick teaches at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary in Amman to train leaders in the Middle East and North African regions. Susan mentors and teaches expat women through the international church.

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Prayer Requests

Thank God...

*The Bible Exposition link to preach through every book in the Bible in 66 sermons is now finished in CHINESE here.
*All NT Survey notes (1078 pages!) are completed in ARABIC here!
*He is glorified in us despite (and often because of) our limitations.

Please Pray...

*Pray that we will invest the right amount of effort to learn Arabic considering that we will not serve here for decades.
*Pray for Susan as she mentors her women's Bible Study ladies in Rev. 1–3.
*Pray for Susan as she accompanies the choirs at Whitman Academy (Christian International School), preparing for two concerts next month.Pray that JETS will grow despite students being rejected from war-torn Syria and Sudan.


  • Rick 1/3
  • Susan 10/11


  • 12/30/83

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