
Meet Nathan & Jessica

Nate coaches, trains, and equips leaders to disciple believers. He also teaches classes at the university to make connections.  Use this code to donate to Nate and Jessica on link below: MidEast-Mns.NJM.

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Prayer Requests

*Please pray for these young Egyptian men and women to continue deepening their relationship with Jesus and being intentional in their relationships with their neighbors.
* Pray for the ongoing coaching that Nate and the leader of the training class are looking to start.
* Pray for Jessica as she teaches these wonderful TCKs about their identity in Christ and God's love for them, as well as preparing for the Christmas pageant. 
*Pray for Nate to make meaningful connections with workers from Tunisia who are participating the a race on December 1st and for ready hearts.


Nate  6/8
Jessica  2/10



Support Nathan & Jessica