
Meet Nate & Carey

We serve the wider Southeast Asia region through language survey research and administration roles, supporting the work of Bible translation.

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Prayer Requests

· Praise that Nathan’s chronic fatigue has improved some. Please continue to pray for strength & energy for him and for wisdom to balance work/family life wisely.
· Praise that Carey has opportunities to train people to do language survey research. Please pray for more opportunities to research in the hard-to-access regions. Please pray that needs for Bible translation can be clarified well.
· Praise that our boys Bold & True are happy attending Grace International School. Please pray for good friendships & good growth for them at school.
· Please continue to remember our focus country in your prayers. The situation there continues to be very unstable and many of our colleagues are in great need.


Nate 8/30
Carey 2/19
Bold 9/2012
True 1/2017



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