
Meet Eric & Melissa McDonald

Eric and Melissa McDonald minister to international students and professors at the University of Iowa. They share the good news of Jesus Christ with students, teach, disciple, send, and follow-up those who have returned to their home country.

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Prayer Requests

* Pray for a former student who returned to China to see his parents. He asked if we could pray saying "I'm taking my Bible and I want to share with them my faith, my story, and read the Bible to them. Pray I can share and that they can hear." Pray for this student to grow in faith and courage and for his parents to hear and receive this very good news. He is the only believer in his family and the only one his parents even know.
* Pray for the ten new international students sign up at the new student orientation at the University of Iowa. They are now matched with families from local churches. Pray that these students would hear and respond to the good news of forgiveness and reconciliation with their maker.
* Pray for Hui a Chinese international student who transferred from Kentucky to Iowa. A friend of ours led him to faith at U of K and introduced him to us when he moved. Pray for elimination of distraction in his life and growth as he attends a Chinese fellowship and meets with Eric periodically. 


Eric  3/11
Melissa  3/9



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