
Meet Dave & Pam Wilson

We are in Krefeld, Germany from where we lead TACO, a missional network of more than 40 workers in a dozen countries. Taco's mission statement is "creatively proclaiming the gospel to Muslims." We do this in any country that would like to use the creative arts to reach Muslims, from Kyrgyzstan to Albania to Germany! Taco has ministered in 20 countries. 

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Prayer Requests

* Pray for all the outreaches in 2024 still to come - Spain, Albania, Kosovo, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Kyrgyzstan. From countries where missionaries have had trouble entering, God has brought the Muslims out, especially to Europe! Pray for a fruitful harvest and effective follow up partners who will see contacts followed up and added to churches.
* Pray for the visa situation in Turkey - the government has just announced they will only give visas to those who own property! Thankfully most of our team have had their renewals recently but it means that in less than a year, we will have difficulty keeping a team in Turkey. Ask God to give a breakthrough - He's the God of breakthrough! 
* We have two engaged couples on our team, please pray for good pre-marital counseling and good rhythms of life, ministry and marriage. 
* On 17th July, Pam needs to press SEND on her PhD thesis! Pray for well-constructed writing, arguments and proofreading before then!


Dave 9/27
Pam 6/15



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