
Meet Dan & Lisa Van Zoest

Dan serves as the Special Projects Administrator and Hiring Coordinator for Nicaragua Christian Academy International (NCAI). Nicaragua Christian Academy's mission is to develop active disciples of Jesus Christ through the development of their spiritual discernment and academic excellence. NCA is working with more than 1,000 students (mostly Nicaraguans). Lisa is training to be a spiritual director, mentoring a younger missionary in Nicaragua, writing a book, and she teaches our youngest son, Daniel.

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Prayer Requests

*Give thanks with us as the teachers from all three of our schools were able to come together this month for a time of fellowship, learning, and worship.  
* Give thanks with me for how God brought together all of the details to bring Hailey and Megan(student teachers) to NCAI! 
*Please pray for Nichole, Walkiria, Sergio, Natalie, Edward, Kristi, Audrey, Jennita, Kayla, Daniel and Melissa (teacher candidates) as we move through the application process together.
*Please pray with us that all of the details will come together for Lauren (our 4th grade teacher) to be able to share more about NCAI with many of the students at Biola University!


Dan 4/2
Lisa 3/30
Daniel 3/23



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