
Meet Craig & Abby Schultz

Craig teaches seminary students at Africa International University and facilitates non-formal training for remote church leaders in Northern Kenya. Abby homeschools, supports other missionaries with kids, and is taking classes to be better resourced in counseling. 

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Prayer Requests

-Many have asked how the flooding is in Kenya since we have been back. Because wearen’t there, it's hard to say for sure but we haven’t heard anything major for a while, so we are hopeful things have calmed down a little bit! 
-Praise for safe travels and a great first month of being back!
-Please pray for Craig and I to be wise with our time here. A balance of saying yes to lots of wonderful opportunities and saying no so that we can rest.
-Craig and I have some decisions to make in June mostly about the kids schooling. Please pray for wisdom, for unity, and even joy in however the Lord leads.
-PRAISE!!! All of us are finished with SCHOOL!!! Marie is joyfully meeting with my aunt for her educational therapy, but other than that and some exercises at home, we are done for the summer. Hallelujah!


Craig 7/17
Abby 1/27
Joshua 12/30
Marie 2/21
Evalyn 7/5



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