
Meet Bob & Laura Mackey

Diaspora Ministry: We pursue, befriend, serve, and bless those far from home and far from God in hopes that they will find home - here and in eternity. We envision a community of disciples that reflect the various ethnic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds of our local area.

Bible Teaching and Ministry Training: We are also passionate about training and equipping God's people for works of service. This involves teaching the Bible in a way that brings God's redemptive purposes to light, as well as coaching and training people toward ministering out of the rich truth of the gospel.

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Prayer Requests

*Praise God for the birth of Everly!
*Pray for a safe delivery for Elizabeths’ and Brandon’s baby coming right up!
*Pray for the international community that we serve as they navigate new realities. 
*Pray for my Middle Eastern friend who recently lost his job.
*Praise God for the ongoing English Language Learning (ELL) ministry!
*Praise God for an ELL student from the Middle East who told her teacher that she is studying Christianity.
*Pray for a local man from the Middle East who is struggling with a sense of emptiness in his life. Pray that he will not be blinded to the truth of the gospel.
*Financial support. Thank you to those who gave to our year-end-giving campaign. Roughly $14,000 came in! We fell a bit short of our goal of $15,000. 


Bob  3/26
Laura  1/7



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