
Meet Bob & Laura Mackey

Diaspora Ministry: We pursue, befriend, serve, and bless those far from home and far from God in hopes that they will find home - here and in eternity. We envision a community of disciples that reflect the various ethnic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds of our local area.

Bible Teaching and Ministry Training: We are also passionate about training and equipping God's people for works of service. This involves teaching the Bible in a way that brings God's redemptive purposes to light, as well as coaching and training people toward ministering out of the rich truth of the gospel.

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Prayer Requests

*Praise God for an excellent year of English Language Learning (ELL)!
*Pray for the summer activities planned for our ELL students and other contacts.
*Pray for our Al Massira group, which began this past Sunday. It was a great start. Pray for four seekers who could not make the first meeting.
*Praise God for a Middle Eastern man who has come to faith through Al Massira online. He does not know any followers of Jesus in his city (in the Middle East). Pray that he will find a local community group for fellowship and discipleship.
*Pray for a couple from Asia who are considering the claims of Jesus.
*Pray for a local man from the Middle East who is struggling with a sense of emptiness in his life. Pray that he will not be blinded to the truth of the gospel. 
*Pray for our recent shortfall in support.


Bob  3/26
Laura  1/7



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