Unity: Model for spiritual transformation

At NCBC we believe God has intentionally designed family as the best model for spiritual transformation. Family offers connection, exposure, safety, and unity that can not be experienced anywhere else in our world. We believe families are the best example of the gospel and the best place for the gospel to be shared. Because of their powerful design, families are under attack and used by the enemy to undermine God’s relentless pursuit of their hearts.

We believe God has uniquely purposed each family for life and godliness. It is our desire to engage, equip and encourage families as they join God in the journey toward this purpose. We currently do this through a monthly production (Family Experience) and weekly Connection Kits.

FX invites your family to engage in the Big Idea of the month. This Big Idea is a trait or practice designed by God to bring connection, expose weaknesses, build safety, and create unity among your family. We want your family to spend the month fully engaging the Big Idea and journeying toward what God has for you. The main goal of our evening together is to inspire conversations in your home. We want your family to experience the Big Idea in a fun, exciting, silly, way that will keep you talking all month.

Connection Kits equip parents as they nurture character in their family and point their family to the gospel. It is our hope the conversations started by FX will be used by parents to point to Christ and lead to heart change. We believe the gospel is best shared in a parent-child relationship and want parents to feel capable of using ordinary moments to teach about Christ.

We believe spiritual transformation happens through authentic relationships with Jesus and others. Our most authentic selves, parents or children, are often revealed through family relationships. This year, in addition to our evening at FX, we are working to provide a space that allows our authentic selves to be shared with other parents so no one feels alone on this journey. God is using family to pursue the hearts of parents and children alike; He is constantly drawing you both into a deeper relationship with him. Watch for more authentic communities coming soon to encourage and equip parents.

Post written by:

Mick Schultz

Making connections to help your family connect