Prayer: Simple & Extravagant

FX kicked off prayer last week. What a simple yet extravagant thing this is. It is simple because it’s only words and listening, something we do constantly every day. And extravagant because it gives us access to the Creator of the World and His infinite wisdom. It gives us the ability to ask, know, and be given insight into things only God can know. I can’t believe such a simple act does that!

I could ramble on about prayer, but today I found this blog post and feel like it says what I need to. It discusses why praying Scripture over your children is important and gives some really practical steps to get you started.  Things like this:

Getting Started Praying Scripture Over Your Children
Here just a few:

  • Work on a memory verse and pray it over your family every day
  • Pray through the verses of your current Bible study
  • Keep a prayer journal or use a journaling Bible to record your prayers and even answers you see to them
  • Look up Scriptures that address a parenting issue you are struggling with and pray through them for yourself and your kids
  • This week I am going to choose a verse to memorize and pray over my family every day. That seems easy and doable. How about you?

Post written by:

Melany Forbes
Making connections to help your family connect