Diligence: Finishing What You Start

Diligence is finishing what you start. It's something that's easy to talk about but really hard to do.

I'm a 95 percent guy. I work on projects until they're about 95 percent done- when things are "good enough." But, I have a hard time finishing that last five percent. For example, I did an emergency bathroom remodel three years ago. That’s over 1,000 days ago! The painting of the trim still isn't done! I notice it from time to time and think, "I really should get that finished." I still haven't gotten around to doing it.

I'm glad that my Savior, Jesus, isn't a 95 percent guy, like me. Where I'm deficient in diligence, He is perfect. His perfection in diligence is what gives me my right-standing before God. I'm reminded of Jesus' pain-wracked, tear-soaked words on the cross, "It is finished." He diligently bore the full punishment for the sins of the world. He didn't stop when the job was 95 percent complete. No, He stayed and continued until it was fully accomplished.

As parents, we are imperfect. We are not fully diligent. Like Pastor Mick illustrated in the Show Me segment, we get preoccupied with things that take our focus off our goal. But Jesus' diligence is what affords me forgiveness for being an imperfect parent. Jesus' diligence is what gives me the power to diligently parent my children.

As followers of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit inside of us, the community of believers outside of us and His example on the cross in front of us. When we aren't diligent in parenting, when we just want to take a night off, He gives us what we need. This month I pray that you look to Jesus, the perfect example of diligence when you are lacking diligence as a parent.

Post written by:

Seth Watson
Preaching and Men’s Ministry Pastor
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