
Thanks for joining us on Friday for the NCBC Christmas Program. It was a fun-filled night.My kids loved hearing Pastor Mick tell the Christmas Story and use children to act it out! They talked about it all night….”my favorite was when the baby crawled out from behind the table”….”remember when she jumped up and plopped on the donkey.” My kids have been acting it out all week and I know they will remember it for a long time.The story of Jesus’ birth became real and interactive for them. I am so thankful that Pastor Mick showed me how simple and beneficial it is.

If you joined us on Friday you have been waiting for this link! We have an exciting giveaway for you today! At each FX, we send families home with a tool to help them connect with the Big Idea of the month. This month’s Big Idea is Christmas. We want to help spur conversations about Christmas with your kids in the car this month. To do that we are giving you one free download from the acapella group Pentatonix. Here is all the info you need.

I hope you have a joy-filled holiday season. Celebrate the birth of our Savior and the start of a new year lavishly with your children. By lavishly I don’t mean with tons of gifts and expensive toys. The birth of this little baby so many years ago was a lavish gift to us.He brought the thrill of hope and caused a weary world to rejoice.He brought something new and glorious; offering us love and worth.Follow this example with you kids. Offer your love lavishly, not expecting anything in return. Show your kids they are worth loving, not because of earning it or proving it by the things they do well or the ways they obey, but because Jesus appeared.Give them a picture of the unconditional love Jesus offers by just enjoying them.That is my prayer for you and for me over the next couple weeks. Join us January 11 for our next FX.

Post written by:

Melany Forbes
Making connections to help your family connect