Open Office with Justin Fortune

JustinFortune2x2.5.pngHey there! I'm Justin Fortune - the Middle School Director here at NCBC. One of the challenges of being at a bigger church, and being a part of a busy student ministry, is that I don't always get the perfect amount of time to touch base with parents.

Our hope is for parents to be the primary disciples of their children, but a huge part of New Covenant's job is coming alongside you and your child to help you with that. I'd love for you to have access to not only me but resources that I think are helpful to middle school students. You'll find on this page a list of books, videos, and devotionals that I personally find helpful. The books can be for you just as easily as for your student. I'd recommend checking them out first to see if it's a good fit for you, your kiddo, or both!

Additionally, I have my personal cell number listed as well as my email. Contact me any time to grab a cup of coffee or chat. If I can partner with you in any way, let me know! Whether you'd like to get to know me a little better, ask for advice, fill me in on your family background, or whatever, I'd like to open the door to my office for us to connect. 

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