Your wedding day is very important to us, but your marriage experience afterwards is even more so. We believe that the marriage of one man to one woman is a sacred covenant because it was created by God. In order to have the strongest possible foundation for your future marriage, we observe the following principles for all ceremonies conducted at New Covenant and by New Covenant pastoral staff.

Making your Marriage Great

The Principles

Shared Faith in Jesus
Because our desire is that all couples experience the joy of a God-designed marriage and avoid the pain of dysfunction and divorce, we will gladly perform a wedding when both the man and the woman have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that the best foundation of a marriage is one based on Jesus and the teachings in God’s Word, the Bible. Because of this, we only do weddings for those who can give a clear testimony of their faith. If you have questions about what a personal relationship with Jesus is, we’d love to talk with you!

Personal Preparation
As with any major life event, it is important to be personally prepared for the new stage that you will enter. The Prepare Class, designed for engaged or seriously dating couples, is 6 weeks long and held three times each year. Because of the effectiveness of the Prepare Class, we require all couples being married at New Covenant to attend this class. More information can be found in the Prepare brochure. In addition to the Prepare Class, we also require couples to go through premarital counseling with a pastor or qualified counselor. The Prepare Class does an excellent job of bringing up important topics, and private premarital counseling allows the couple to discuss these issues even deeper. Most premarital counseling lasts 3-6 weeks.

Sexual Purity
We believe that men and women were created by God as sexual beings. We believe that the enjoyment of sex inside of marriage is one of God’s wonderful blessings to married couples. God created sex to be incredibly powerful, able to bring blessing or destruction to a relationship. We believe that allowing God’s Word to shape how we think and act, in this area and in all others, is the surest way to lay a solid foundation for the marriage relationship, prevent the relational destruction that comes from ignoring God’s instructions, and bring glory to God.

With this in mind, we ask couples who are considering being married by a New Covenant pastor to commit to two things: first, to sexual abstinence from this point until their wedding day, and second, to not live together until after they are married. If you do choose to live together before your wedding, please know that we will not be able to host your wedding. However, our Prepare Class and Sunday worship services are open to you and we would still love to have you be part of our church family. If you are currently living with your fiancé and do choose to move out, we will gladly celebrate your decision, and be willing to celebrate your wedding in our building!

Divorce and Remarriage
We, too, have felt the pain of divorce. Whether it is a family member or even our own personal experience, we know that divorce hurts, and that divorced people long to experience a healthy marriage. The Bible is clear that divorce is not what God intends for marriage, and it gives guidelines for those divorced individuals who can remarry with a clear conscience. We understand these to be when a spouse committed adultery or when a non-Christian spouse deserted the marriage. Please request a copy of our Marriage policy from the church office for more details. If you feel that your situation falls within scriptural guidelines allowing you to remarry with God’s full blessing, then we encourage you to submit a Wedding Application explaining your story.

Our heart

We deeply desire to see you experience a wonderful marriage as God designed it to be. To achieve that, we hold to these principles that we feel are biblical. Yes, there are churches that disagree with our position on these things, and it is not our desire to quibble with them over these issues. Our mission is to be a church family of growing disciples, and establishing healthy marriages and families is a high priority.

A copy of our Marriage policy is available by request. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss any of these principles with you if you have any questions.