Our previous sermon series helped us establish spiritual rhythms. Not to create laws or formulas for ourselves, but to establish ways to consistently encounter God. In the ACTIVATED series, we are not moving on to something new. Rather, we are continuing to pursue God, but for the sake of those around us, and for demonstrating His love in the world around us. Rhythms are meant to activate us, to send us out to accomplish God’s mission.

“The goal of the Christian life is not so much a set of behaviors as it is an orientation of the soul toward God and His kingdom.”
— Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

We’re not supposed to be spiritual sponges — absorbing God’s grace and goodness and holding it only for ourselves. We’re called to squeeze ourselves out and be a blessing to others. We’re called to be conduit to bring His love, grace, comfort and saving message to the lost world around us.

Each week throughout the series, you can return to this page for new Small Group Study Guide pages to help you go further with the Sunday morning message. 

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