Summer Camps Entry

Added: 7/27/2024

Summer Camps: Medical, Liability, and Info Release Form

Emergency Contact Information:

Medical Consent

"In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I agree and consent to the ministry leaders securing any emergency medical treatment necessary for my child while participating in activities"

Photo/Video Release

"I give permission for the use of pictures or video/audio recordings of the minor listed on this form for the purposes of promoting and reporting NCBC events, including NCBC websites and/or church social media accounts, without compensation to me or the minor. I agree that all pictures and recordings remain NCBC property. I release NCBC from any liability arising out of the use of such pictures or recordings. I also give permission for the use of pictures in printed materials."

Consent and Liability Release

For every activity sponsored by this church is carefully planned and adequately supervised by mature adults. However, even with the best of planning and precaution, unforeseen events can occur. Knowing this, "I give my permission for the above minor to participate in NCBC activities, including off-site events. I also agree to release the church, its employees, and its volunteers from liability for any and all damages, losses, or injuries that may occur related to NCBC activities whether caused by the negligence of the church, its employees, it volunteers, or otherwise. I understand failure to sign this form is grounds for denial of participation. I understand that I am signing on behalf of the minor listed on this form and in my own capacity and that my signature is for the consent and release for medical, photo/video, and liability purposes."