What's In A T-Shirt?

Just over a month ago, students from all over Cedar Rapids gathered in NewBo for something called United Invite Night— UI Night for short. This first-time event brought together the local body of young believers, and the event’s signature black t-shirt summed up a key message: “Jesus Loves You.”

When our team thinks about area churches getting together to acknowledge and proclaim Jesus as the main thing, our heart soars. When we think about middle school and high school students from various Cedar Rapids churches coming together at UI Night to connect with each other, to worship Jesus as Lord, and to be sent out into their schools and neighborhoods with the good news of Jesus on their lips and literally written across their shirts — our hearts soars even more!

UI Night was the catalyst that continues to spark dozens of Jesus-centric conversations in our students’ schools. Students are taking a stand as Jesus followers, and their peer communities are hearing about this Jesus who loves them deeply, empathizes with their struggles completely, and desires an intimate relationship with each of them personally.

Our teams has the privilege of hearing directly from students themselves. They’ve said things like, “UI Night helped me realize that my priorities have been wrong and that Jesus wants more for me.” Another student shared that “wearing my shirt is a huge step of obedience for me. I have struggled with being bold for Jesus in the past, but wearing this shirt has helped create ongoing conversations about Him with my friends, discussing our beliefs.”

Can you hear that!? That’s the power of the gospel changing lives and the Holy Spirit working through our students to proclaim His message to their schools. And that makes our hearts soar most of all!

Please join us in praying for these bold students and the seeds they’re planting.

And PS: if you know a middle school or high school student who isn't plugged into a regular community of fellow believers, please tell them about New Covenant! Wednesday night is student ministry night, with other options throughout the week. We welcome all students with open arms. More about Middle School Ministry, and more about High School Ministry are available online. 

New Covenant
