
Go Groups are our Wednesday night discipleship groups for 3-5 graders. You can choose to help in one of four groups:

Serve-It-Up (Care & Service)
Help children practice the ways of Jesus as we explore careers, projects, and other creative ways Christians love and serve our neighbors, our community, and our church family. Serve It Up enjoys lots of special guest speakers, field trips, service opportunities, and a year-end building project.

Power-It-Up (Tech Group)
This Go Group is for kids who want to understand how to serve the church through technology. Help kids explore and learn the facets of video production, projection, editing, photography, audio technology, and lighting effects.

Turn-It-Up (Worship Group)

Help children understand the heart of worship as they develop leadership and presentation skills. The Turn-It-Up crew leads high-energy worship time during Sunday children's services and occasionally supports special events.

Grow-It-Up (Leadership Development)

Teach kids the basics of caring for younger children as well as the fundamentals of leading kids individually or in groups. Grow it Up kids get opportunities to practice at Parents’ Night Out events and occasionally Sunday morning children’s ministry.

To find out more about how to serve in Go Groups, contact Loretta Bushlack.
