Unity: Who Are You Unifying With?

We are on week three of unity. I would love to hear how your family has connected with this Big Idea at home this month. Have you done some fun activities? Have you had new conversations? Have you connected with another family exploring unity? My family has been asking questions like:

  • What are we about and how has God designed our family differently than other families?
  • How can we use the unique things about us to join together?
  • What is the more that our family can do when we join together?

I hope your family has begun to explore some of these same ideas.

As my family dove into unity, another question came up for me as a mom. "Am I willing to join with God to get more done in my kids?" God has a message for them and often I am not joining with Him to communicate. Instead, I am unintentionally telling them the opposite. I was just reminded this week by the godcenteredmom.com (if you don’t know me well, you will soon know that she is one of my favorites) of my role as a communicator of God’s message to my kiddos. In everything I do (teaching, playing, disciplining), my kids hear a story about who they are. God wants my kids to know how He sees them and I am the main tool of that. These are simple easy messages that I too often forget.

You are safe.
You are loved.
You are God’s workmanship – called and capable
You are responsible.

This week I am going to write them out on a card and post them in my house. I want a visual to remind me who I’m unifying with and how I can easily do that in every moment.

Let’s unify with Jesus this week and make our messages to our kids His messages.

Post written by:

Melany Forbes

Making connections to help your family connect