Prayer: First Line of Defense

Prayer should be our FIRST line of defense rather than our last option. Wow! I really wish I would have been thinking that way when I brought home the first amazing, awesome, incredible, irritable, impatient, blessing that I called my son. I had no idea what I was doing and everybody had different advice for me on the same subjects. All I could do was cry out to God for help so I did not mess this kid up from the beginning. My prayers were more out of desperation than a line of defense for him. It took another child and prayer plan of action to start making a difference in this area. As a parent, I want to protect my children from anything that can physically hurt them, make them unhappy, or something that may not go in their favor. Isn’t that my job? No, my job is to equip them to handle all that life has for them. The best form of defense I can give is prayer. Pray for them and let them know that I am praying for them. As a parent, I cannot see everything, be everywhere, or know all that goes on each day in my children’s lives, but God can. He sees, He knows and is there. I can be assured that He is able to care for my boys far better than I ever can.

A few years ago, I ran across a calendar that can be used every month. I need direction when I pray, which is why I love the idea of a prayer calendar. It is the perfect way to get started and a great way to focus on a different attribute every day for my children. I wish I could say that I have kept a prayer journal for each of my children, but I have not. It would be so awesome to look back on the prayer journey to see all the prayers God has answered. (some the way I asked for and MANY the way He knew best) Whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, or sponsor a child you have never met, you can play a big role for all the children in your life. Your willingness to pray for them will change their lives and yours. You have the opportunity to encourage, equip and cover them in prayers on a daily basis.

Whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, or sponsor a child you have never met, you can play a big role for all the children in your life. Your willingness to pray for them will change their lives and yours. You have the opportunity to encourage, equip and cover them in prayers on a daily basis.

Post written by:

Stacey Brooks
Children's Ministry Associate
Making connections to help your family connect