Humility or Humiliation

Humility or humiliation? What are your kids teaching you?

Is there anything that teaches us humility more than parenting?

In my life, God is using my relationship with my kiddos as the main teacher of this trait. My role as mom can sometimes be a prideful one. I am often tempted to think, “I’m the boss here! Why do you think you get to say that?”

I want my decisions and desires to be most important; even the decisions and desires that are for my kids. For instance, I have a daughter and I think I deserve to dress her and do her hair the way I want but are those things worth a fight? I can let her wear clothes that don’t match with shoes that don’t make sense because the smile on her face is worth the feelings her outfit gives me. I know this example is silly. But God is constantly using small, silly things to teach me and change me.

If you have a few more minutes I want to share with you this blog post someone shared with me a few weeks ago. It describes, very well, how God can use parenting to teach us humility. Take a look, I hope you’re as encouraged and challenged as the FX team was.

Post written by:

Melany Forbes
Making connections to help your family connect