Generosity: Giving something away to make someone’s day. Week 1

What a great night we had last night at FX! Steve the Monkey joined us as we kicked off the big idea of Generosity. Steve and Slime Time were a favorite for many kids. Pastor Kim was a huge hit with parents. Kim’s Show Me segment gave us a glimpse of what dating our kids might look like.

FX is meant to equip parents while engaging kids. Each month we introduce a Big Idea that your kiddos explore on Sunday mornings in Children’s Church. Our first step to equip you as a parent is to connect the definition of the Big Idea with your heart as a parent. Last night we asked: Are you willing to give your time away to make your kid’s day? Pastor Kim showed us an example of giving away our time by dating our kids. We heard the impact that had on one of his sons. Your Connection Kit Take Home for the month is a date night card to help you do what Kim showed you. (If you didn’t get a Connection Kit last night, stop by the Children’s Welcome Desk this Sunday to pick one up.)

Sometimes I believe if I can’t do something really great I shouldn’t do it at all. I was challenged earlier this week by something I heard on a podcast: “If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly.” If dating my kids, building trust, or knowing what’s true about me is worth doing, it doesn’t matter how well I do it, I just need to do it. Kim and his boys didn’t build an amazing connection because of one amazing breakfast date after another. It was built by a commitment on his part to connect, even if it wasn’t perfect. So, this week I am committing to doing the important things with my kids no matter how poorly.

Post written by:

Melany Forbes
Making connections to help your family connect