Generosity: Giving something away to make someone’s day – Week 5

This month my house has been overflowing with tiny voices repeating “give something away to make someone’s day.” I don’t know what it is about this definition, but it has stuck. It isn’t always used appropriately, let me assure you. Sometimes they just say it, sometimes it’s in a look what I did, and sometimes it in a you need to do this way. I hope this mantra has over taken you home this month as well.

This mantra doesn’t play as much in my mind as it does my kids. However, I do keep going back to the image of Pastor Kim interacting with that little girl. How easy he made it look….how naturally he unlocked places of her heart…how willing she was to share when a little time and attention was given her way…how Kim’s son spoke of him in that video…

What will my kids say when they are grown? This image of Kim on the FX stage is a great reminder for me to invest time now in order to get the relationship I want later. It seems especially helpful as I walk into this Christmas season. Christmas is a time full of excitement and wonder, but it also has the ability to fill our calendar and minds. How am I going to ensure I am giving away my time to make their day when my time seems harder to come by in this season. Honestly, I’m not sure! One activity at a time I guess. Prioritizing my family in this season and giving what I have when I have it.

This week’s Connection Kit Add-on is a printable to help you keep in mind the value of giving your time away to your kids.

Post written by:

Melany Forbes
Making connections to help your family connect