Contentment - What it isn't

I need to be careful as I walk through contentment. I can often be pursuing something it isn’t intended to be.
Here are a couple of the myths I believe about contentment:

1 – It means choosing to be happy no matter what

2 – I have to always look for the positive in my circumstances

3 – I shouldn’t seek change, just learn to be happy with the way it is.

The reality is God didn’t intend us to be happy here. Our world is broken and bad things happen. I don’t need to be happy about those things or twist them into something that’s good. When my situation is painful I can feel hurt, when my situation is sad I can feel sad, when my situation is not ideal I can be disappointed.

I had a sweet friend remind me last night how important it is to be honest with God and myself. Our God is powerful, able to make changes and always restoring. How can we see his work if we aren’t honest about our need for it! If my circumstances are always good and I’m always happy with what’s going on why do I need a powerful God?

One of my least favorite things as a mom of littles is having strangers stop me in the store and tell me to enjoy them while they’re little. There is much to enjoy in these years AND things that are hard and disappointing. This week recognize those things – make a list, tell a friend, journal about them – however, you can recognize the truth of your situations. I want to stop thinking I can be content by controlling my negative feeling. God is using all situations for my benefit to complete a work that He began. Join me in being a parent who needs God and lets Him work simply by being honest with Him.

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Melany Forbes
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