9/21/2016 - All that is real and all that is right

I really thought this parenting gig would be easier. I’m raising a person, so of course there will be situations and areas that are hard, but what I expected and what is real is much different. Honestly, some days it is hard to remember I love my kids. Between this demand and that mess… Between this melt down and that sickness… Some days it feels like all there is room for is meeting needs and cleaning up. 

The Truth (All that is real and All that is right) about me is I want to enjoy this! I want to love every day of this parenting journey. I want to cherish sick snuggles, folding tiny laundry, and Legos all over. I want to AND lots of days that’s hard. How is it I want to cherish something and that same thing can make me angry and overwhelmed. If I am even more honest, on my worst days, I resent my kids for playing and wearing clothes because it makes more work for me.

Do they know? Can they hear it in my voice on those, “I don’t want to do this” days? Am I careful with my words? – because I’m not careful with my thoughts. Our kiddos are growing into a culture that believes, “I am who you say I am.” Other people’s opinions and word can shape our kids! 

I want my kiddos to be able to stand strong in our culture and keep a positive view of who they are. I want them to know God thinks highly of them and to value His opinion the most. Then, if what other people think doesn’t line up with what they know is real and right about them, they will assume the other person is wrong. 

How do I do that? It seems like such a lofty, unattainable goal. How I wish I had all the answers and the perfect formula to create a great teen. I don’t! I’m on this journey right along with you. Join me this week as I trust God with my kids, pray for an unshakable foundation, and reshape the way I think. 

This week I used a bar of soap to write a few truths about my kiddos on their bathroom mirror. Not all of my kids can read, but they will ask when we brush teeth and take baths. I’m excited to get to tell them. Not only will they hear what I think they are, but so will I. I will hear myself say that my kids are “hard workers” or “unique.” I think that will be powerful. I am trusting God will use my own voice to change and encourage some of my own thought patterns. So go for it! Let truth change you and your family!

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