10/5/2016 Truth: All that is real and all that is right. Week 4

Way to go!  You have been diligent to discuss truth in your home for the past 3 weeks.  Be encouraged!  Philippians 1:4 tells us “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”.  This work of truth that has started in you and your family will continue.  This is only the beginning. 

God is faithful to finish what he starts.  He also promises in John 8:32 “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Knowing all that is real and all that is right about who we are and who are kids are frees us.  We are free to think new thoughts and act in new ways. It rescues us from the lies that so easily trap our thoughts and behaviors in old patterns.  God is promising to continue this work of freedom that has begun this month.    

I have been really encouraged on this journey of truth by Katie’s blog and wanted to share it with you this week. Specifically this post about how to help your child know their worth. I hope you enjoy her vulnerability and desire to live brave as much as I have. 

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