What is Care Ministry

In a year like this, doesn’t it ring true that our community and our world need care?
For that matter, do you need care, even now?

Small Groups are the heartbeat of life at New Covenant, and in many ways, people who are involved in Small Groups find their care needs met within those groups. When a baby is born, the Small Group provides meals. When a struggle arises, the Small Group is there for prayer and encouragement. When someone ends up in the hospital, the Small Group shows up! For the moments of our lives big and small, those special relationships formed in our Small Groups bring about care.

Re-Formed and Re-Launched

While not everyone is in a Small Group, everyone at New Covenant does have a care lifeline waiting. And for all of us, some of life’s milestones – funerals, for example – call for care that is bigger than a Small Group could handle. For that, we have Care Ministry, and it’s being re-formed and re-launched in this season.

“The great misconception of the Care Ministry is that it’s strictly for ‘old' people. It is not! Just as our church is multigenerational, so should be our care ministry. Also, there is the same perception that care ministry should only be done by a pastor. Simply not true!” -- June Schmidt, Care Ministry Director.


The New Covenant Care Ministry has four main parts:

When someone loses a family member, there is care for the grieving process.

Hospital Plus
When someone goes into the hospital, and later for the recovery period to follow, there is care and support.

Homebound and Care Facility
For our NCBC family members who can feel isolated and who are unable to join in person, there is a consistent connection.

Whether it’s the birth of a baby or a milestone birthday, a child dedication, a baptism, or any of the other big moments in life, there is care that celebrates and care that comforts.

This Care sub-ministry supports the other four. At a moment in life when a big event happens, it can be so helpful to have someone show up with a ready-to-go meal. A meal does more than feed the stomach, it nurtures the soul.

This is the over-arching, under-pinning, all-encompassing thread that ties the Care Ministry together. No matter which facet of care is needed, prayer is the highest common denominator.

The vision for the future is that from students through seniors, our Care Team will be multi-generational, with members from all parts of the city, and all walks of life. As needs arise, we’ll be able to pair up the specific need with a Care Team member who is best suited to meet that need. 

Care is ACTIVE - it is something we do. It is not passive,” says June. “Jesus didn’t do it alone; He engaged the 12 disciples. What a perfect analogy!”

Our Care Ministry is not exclusively led and conducted by June and the NCBC Staff. Each of us carries Jesus in our hearts, and each of us can pray, bring comfort, bring encouragement, and bring care. 

Is God stirring your heart? 

  • "I could make a meal for someone who’s going through something…”
  • "I’d be willing to pray with someone who needs prayer support … “
  • "I could be getting to know someone who is in a care facility and feels lonely…” 

Can you see yourself in any of these statements? If so, be bold, be brave - reach out to June Schmidt. Begin the discussion of how you can be a part of the Care Ministry team.

Do you need care?
And if you’re in need of care, don’t be afraid to ask. Part of being in a church family is giving support to other family members who need it, but part is being willing to receive support when you do, too. Contact June at 319-297-2343 or email care@ncbc.church


Teeg Stouffer