Senior Pastor Search Update

What a great encouragement this past Sunday as "Coach" Tye Male reminded us that "Jesus is Coming Back." I was at the 11:00 AM service, and even before that service started Main Street was buzzing as people walked out of the 8:00 and 9:30 AM services. I had people saying to me that you don't want to miss church today. Boy, were they right.

Church family - do you sense that God is doing something special at New Covenant? I sure do and so does our Senior Pastor Search committee. I mentioned at our congregational meeting on Sunday, August 19 that we went from three candidates to zero and invited people to pray. We had about 25 people in the prayer room the next night praying for our leadership, church body and our next Senior Pastor and his family. Thanks to those who were able to make it. We are now back to looking at candidates and we are taking God at His Word that He's Got This and HE does! Thanks for joining us in this exciting journey.

God's Got This!

Ed Luebe


Ed Luebe