High Hopes

I have high hopes for Saturday.

Saturday is our annual Fall Fest at New Covenant. I can’t imagine a more perfect recipe for fun: beautiful autumn weather, food and games, candy and prizes, and seeing your friends in hilarious and creative costumes.

I have high hopes for Saturday.

I hope you will all be there! I want to see all your sweet little princesses and superheroes, your wizards and robots, your sports stars and TV stars.

I hope you all have a ton of fun! I hope the transformation of our church property brings you joy! And I hope your family makes lifelong happy memories! But that’s not all.

I have high hopes for Saturday. I am counting on your help.

I hope that even while you are all rushing around from activity to activity you will take on the role of host. Will you please be looking for and recognizing the many guests who will be with us?

Would you consider letting our guests go in front of you in line? Would you please strike up a conversation with any new face you see? How did they hear about Fall Fest? Have they connected to a local church yet? What’s their faith story?

On Saturday we can show both our guests and our families what “others first” living looks like. What the way of Jesus looks like. Let’s practice His way of hospitality all day at Fall Fest.

Jeremy and I will be stationed right inside the main doors all day. Feel free to stop by and say "Hi" or introduce yourself if we haven’t met yet. I’ve got my hopes set high!

Loretta Bushlack

Loretta Bushlack

Family Life Director

