Ending the Stigma

All of our mental health falls somewhere on a continuum between “wellness” and “illness.” And it often varies from one day to the next.

But God remains sovereign. He is good, reliable, trustworthy, perfect, and loving. I often recite Psalm 37:7 to myself, filling in the blank with whatever is negatively affecting my mental health on any given day. I invite you to do the same.

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Fret not yourself over _______.”

Did you know that chronic mental illness is a reality for one in five U.S. adults and 17% of youth (6-17 years old)? This means that mental illness is more common than being left-handed! If you live with a mental illness, remember that you are not alone! Perhaps choose a trusted loved one or friend who has an open heart and ear and invite them to be an ally on your journey.

One of the greatest barriers preventing those with mental illness from seeking help and living out the lives God has called them to is stigma. As a church family, we can help end this stigma by:

  • Allowing others not to be ok.
  • Being present and available to them.
  • Having open and honest conversations.
  • Listening without judging.
  • Being a calm and steady encourager.

Are you walking alongside someone who has depression, anxiety, or other mental illness? Here at New Covenant Bible Church, the Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Illness group meets on the second Thursday of each month; all are welcome to the encouragement and support found inside this safe zone. Together we can help end the stigma and make it ok.


Terry McGinnis
Co-facilitator, Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Illness

P.S. To learn more about ending the stigma of mental illness, go to http://www.iowahealthieststate.com/resources/individuals/makeitok/


Terry McGinnis
