2:8 Neighboring Around The World


The Gospel breaks the cycle of poverty! 

We've talked a lot lately about being 2:8 neighbors ... "because we loved you so much, we shared with you not only the gospel, but our lives as well."

It's happening not just here at home, but around the world.

The things we value so dearly - intentionality, courage, generosity, excellence, clarity and celebration - all come to life in inspiring ways in this latest update from our Global Partners Seed Company at Hope Church Mongu and The Zambia Project.

Depending on the region, between 50% - 70% of the population of Zambia is under the age of 17.  These kids were being raised in such darkness ... people believed, for example, that if an owl lands on your house, you've been visited by a spirit of darkness. Now they're learning that they can have the freedom and the hope of Jesus, and God has such a heart for these young people.

In spite of the pandemic, churches are actually growing - rapidly - through the Hope Church Mongu and Zambia Projects.

There's more: in addition to adding wells, the team is building radio stations to bring Christian music and Christian ministry to the entire country. And the people there are creating their own worship music in their own local languages. 

Bible translation in five of the local languages continues, with people receiving The Word in their own languages, as each book of the Bible is completed. 

"These languages have not been written before ... so often when we bring the Bible to a group of chiefs in their local language, they are so excited that they begin kissing it."

They're presenting the Jesus Film in the local languages, and people are so surprised that Jesus knows their mother tongue. 

Watch the video update with Pat, Tony, Mary, Brad and Matt, and be inspired by how God is on the move around the world! 


Teeg Stouffer
Communications Director