Sunday | April 13
11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
The Foundry
Whether you are new around here or have been a part of New Covenant for a while, CONNEXT is an important step toward a deeper involvement at New Covenant.
The next CONNEXT will be Sunday, April 13, from 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM in The Foundry. Enjoy lunch together and an informal time to learn more about getting involved at New Covenant. Pastor Jay will share his heart and our mission. Meet NCBC staff and hear about serving opportunities. Families/kids welcome!
You will also be invited to participate in an 11-week Small Group experience called Established -- a discussion-oriented group that centers around our faith in Jesus. The next session of Established begins Sunday, April 27 at 9:00 AM.
Tap or click the "Register Now" button and join us for the CONNEXT lunch; you can also learn more by stopping by the Welcome Center on Sundays or reaching out to Pat Rieck at 319-297-2348 or