Event Details

2024 Serve Morning
Saturday, August 10
8:30 - 11:30 AM

Bring your family, your small group and invite your friends to spend a morning blessing others. Show God's love and have fun through serving together. All volunteers should check-in at NCBC at 8:30 AM where we will pray together and distribute details for serving locations and tasks. 


Local Outreach Partners
Hiawatha Elementary School - flower bed, school sign refresh
Mission of Hope - cleaning/organization
His Hand Free Clinic - cleaning
Chain Interruption -- (tentative)

At church
Ground - pulling weed, etc
Children Ministry - cleaning
Organizing - various spaces

Community Organizations
Willis Dady Day Center - clean
Sleep in Heavenly Peace - build bed for kids (Need 30-40 people. Volunteers should be 8 years or older, and must sign up using this SHP form.)

Questions? Contact Pat Rieck at pat.rieck@ncbc.church.