Overnight Camp (1st - 5th Grade)
East Iowa Bible Camp
1433 F52 Trail, Deep River, Iowa 52222
It's a great adventure to volunteer at Overnight Camp. There is no greater joy than showing kids how important Jesus is in their lives as you have FUN with them, become a FRIEND to them, and point them to JESUS!
This year's camp theme is Bold and Brave. The kids will hear the familiar stories of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and Peter walking on water. We are excited for the kids see how God gives us the courage to walk with Him in any circumstance.
Overnight Camp Sessions
Session 1: July 7 -10
Session 2: July 10 -13
Please contact Julie Pegump to inquire about open volunteer positions.
Mandatory Training Session
Sunday, June 30, | 12:00 PM (in The Hangar)
Arrival/Departure Schedule
Day 1: 2:00 PM - All your fun begins at East Iowa Bible Camp.
Please arrange transportation. There will be no vans/buses from NCBC.
Day 4: 11:00 AM - Volunteers are dismissed
Good to Know:
Volunteer spots are limited and not guaranteed. The Camp Leadership Team will consider each volunteer application. Volunteer roles will be assigned in late May once we know how many campers we will have. Camp volunteers must have completed 8th grade. There are limited spots for 6th and 7th-grade students whose parents are serving at Camp. They will serve on the Facilities Team. Please contact Julie Pegump with questions about serving at Camp!
What is Overnight Camp like?
See pics from a previous year.
Volunteer FAQ Document
Details of what to bring, as well as other details, will be shared with you before camp.
We are so thankful for our volunteers, as you are the ones who make camp happen!