MS Pursue+
Sundays - Every other week beginning January 28 - May 5
3:00-5:00 PM
NCBC Prayer Room A244
Are you interested in a space to dig deeper in your walk with Jesus alongside other Christians? Come be a part of Pursue+.
Pursue+ is an optional space for students to dig deeper into God's Word, practices, and lifestyle through guided discussion and Scripture.
It will be like a giant small group for whoever attends each week. We’ll discuss Scripture passages, take a closer look at practices and rhythms, and address some “Hot Topics” of your choosing! Plus, snacks will be available each week with some fun surprises sprinkled in. It’s not something you’ll want to miss.
This will be a helpful foothold for you if you’re looking to navigate your walk with Jesus with a greater sense of ownership and confidence.
No registration or formal commitment is required. Come as often as you can. We can't wait to see you there!