Hiawatha Elementary School Supplies Drive

Hiawatha Elementary School Supplies Drive
Donations due: August 11, 2024

Bless our partner school with school supplies for the upcoming school year!

Let's live out our value of generosity as we encourage and support the kids and staff at Hiawatha Elementary School by providing needed supplies for a successful school year. Examples of supplies requested include: hand sanitizer, Kleenex, fine point black Sharpies, Play-doh, gift cards to Walmart, Target or Amazon, and more. 

How to Help:

  • Stop by the table by the Connect Room at NCBC (across from the Welcome Center on Main Street)
  • Pick up a gift tag or two
  • Purchase the items on the tag(s)
  • Return items to the table by Sunday, August 11 with tag attached

Questions? Contact Pat Rieck at pat.rieck@ncbc.church