501 Prayer Project
January 7-28, 2024
Beginning January 7, New Covenant launches into a new sermon series all about prayer. How powerful it would be to have our church family praying continuously during this time frame... 24 hours a day for approximately 22 days?! That's a total of 501 hours of prayer! Just imagine what God will do in and through us as we pray.
Stop by the 501 Prayer Project display board on Main Street. Sign up for as many time slots as you can commit to. (Check this READ ONLY document for open slots. Sign up on the display on Main Street or contact Andrew Boone) Once you're signed up, set a reminder on your phone or fill out a reminder card to take with you. During the daytime hours, NCBC's Prayer Room is available for your use. When the building is closed, pray wherever you can find some solitude. If you're anxious about praying for an hour, check out the link below for prayer ideas, or share an hour with a friend.
We're excited to get our whole church involved in this prayer initiative for January!
Prayer Ideas
Here are some ideas that you can use to guide your hour of prayer:
A Guided Hour of Prayer
If you'd like more of a guided experience, you can pray along with this video. It gives you short prayer prompts that take you through an hour. An Hour of Prayer.
Use the acronym ACTS
ACTS stands for Adoration. Confession. Thanksgiving. Supplication.
- Adoration: The word adoration has its roots in the word adore, which means to worship or express deep love. Start your prayer time by telling God something you love about Him or something true and exalting about His character.
- Confession: Biblical confession is about being aligned with God. Continue your prayer time by telling God where you have been out of alignment with His commands. Confess things that are big, small, general, and specific.
- Thanksgiving: Thank God for things He has done in the past and things He’s doing in your life right now.
- Supplication: Supplication is an old word that means to ask for something earnestly and humbly. This is the part of the prayer where you ask God to work in situations and to provide for you and others. Spend intentional time in each section before moving on.
NCBC Prayer Requests
Pray for the current prayer requests from our church family. Utilize the Prayer Sheet. The Prayer Sheet can be found in the weekly enews (subscribe here), on our app at ncbc.church/app, in the Prayer Room or at the Welcome Desk.
Questions on prayer or how to sign up? Contact Andrew Boone at Andrew.Boone@ncbc.church